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Usage Tiers and Limits

In order to protect our API against abuse and to ensure fair access to our models, we have limits in place that govern how many generations you can create.


Each organization in the API is subject to a set of limits. These limits are per-organization, not per-API key.

Concurrency limit

This is the maximum number of tasks the API will allow you to run concurrently. If you submit more tasks than this limit, your tasks will have a status of "THROTTLED", indicating that the task is stored on our servers but has not been enqueued for processing. Throttled tasks will be enqueued in approximately the order that they were submitted in.

In rare cases, you may experience lower than maximum concurrency depending on system load. If you are interested in guaranteed (minimum) concurrency, please contact us using the limits exception form in the usage page of the developer portal.

Concurrency limit example

To help you reason about how these limits work, here’s an example using some approximations.

Assume you want to generate 200 videos and you have a concurrency limit of 5:

  1. You can submit all 200 video request tasks at the same time.
  2. Runway handles the queueing logic and starts executing them in rapid fashion 5-at-a-time, in sequential order based on creation time.
  3. The first 5 videos finish in 15 seconds and the 6th to 10th videos begin generating. They finish in 15 additional seconds.
  4. All 200 videos are complete within 10 minutes (15 seconds x 200 videos / 5 concurrency).

No maximum requests-per-minute limit

There is no maximum requests-per-minute limit, as long as your requests are within your maximum daily generations limit.

If you submit more generations than can execute simultaneously on your concurrency limit, our API queues the additional requests. You do not need to add rate-limiting logic to your integration.

Maximum daily generations

This is the maximum number of generations you can create in a 24-hour window. If you exceed this limit, you’ll receive a 429 Too Many Requests response to the task creation request, indicating you’ve exceeded your quota.

Maximum monthly spend

This is the amount of money your organization is allowed to spend on credits in a 30-day window. You will be prevented from purchasing more than this amount, and autobilling will cap any automatic recharges at your remaining monthly spend.


Each organization has a usage tier. The tier sets the limits of your organization.

TierMax concurrencyMax gens/dayMax spend/mo.Criteria to reach tier
23500$5001 day after $50 purchased
351,000$2,0007 days after $100 purchased
4105,000$20,00014 days after $1,000 purchased
52025,000$100,0007 days after $5,000 purchased

For custom tier information, higher limits, or guaranteed concurrency, file an exception request from the usage page when logged in to the developer portal. These and other benefits fall under enterprise partnerships